About Chairman

Profile: In the heart of Taktok Brothers Treks And Expedition Pvt. Ltd. stands a visionary, Lakpa Dendi Sherpa, our esteemed Chairman. With over a decade of remarkable achievements in the world of mountaineering, he brings a unique blend of expertise, passion, and fearlessness to the helm of our expedition company.

Passion for Adventure: Lakpa Dendi Sherpa’s life is a testament to the extraordinary. His heart beats for the Himalayas, and his veins course with the thrill of conquering its awe-inspiring peaks. With 31 summits of 8000-meter peaks and 11 triumphant ascents of Mount Everest, his passion for adventure is not just a calling but a way of life.

Achievements: Lakpa Dendi Sherpa’s illustrious mountaineering career includes extraordinary feats:

  • Summited 8000m peaks 33 times.
  • Conquered Mount Everest 11 times.
  • In 2019:
    • Submitted five 8000m peaks, including Mount Everest, Nanga Parbat, Mount K2, Mount Manaslu, and one 6000m peak, Mount Amadablam.
    • Submitted Mount Dhaulagiri and Mount Everest within a span of 12 days.
  • In 2018:
    • Submitted Everest 3 times.
    • Submitted K2 once.
    • Climbed Mount Nuplakhang (6961m), a peak never climbed before.
    • Fastest ascent of Mount Everest three times in just 10 days, 18 hours, and 30 minutes.
    • Fastest climb of both Mount Everest and Mount K2 within 59 days.
  • In 2017:
    • Submitted Mount Everest twice.
    • Submitted Lhotse twice times.
    • Participated in the Tenzing Hillary World Highest Everest Marathon.
    • Climbed Mount Tarke Khang (6170m), a peak never climbed before.
  • In 2024
    • Climbed Mt Jugal 1 (6591), a peak never climbed before.

Visions for Taktok Brothers: As the guiding force behind Taktok Brothers Treks And Expedition, Lakpa Dendi Sherpa envisions a company that goes beyond the ordinary. His vision is to create not just expeditions but unforgettable odysseys, where every climber discovers the thrill of reaching new heights and the beauty of pushing personal boundaries.

Expert Guidance: With a resume that boasts accolades like the Guinness World Record for the fastest ascent of Mount Everest and Mount K2 within an astonishing 59 days, Lakpa Dendi Sherpa is not just a Chairman but an expert guide. His wealth of experience ensures that every expedition under Taktok Brothers is not just safe but a triumphant journey to remember.

Autobiography: “Himalayan Maverick”:

In a world where the ordinary is celebrated, Lakpa Dendi Sherpa’s life has become a legend, beautifully captured in his autobiography, “Himalayan Maverick.” This award-winning book takes you on an exhilarating journey from the towering peaks of the Himalayas to the pages of literary triumph. In this captivating saga, Sherpa shares his adventures, challenges, and triumphs in a narrative that paints vivid pictures of high-altitude mountaineering. “Himalayan Maverick” isn’t just a collection of words; it’s an invitation to explore the world of a true maverick.

Connect with Lakpa Dendi Sherpa: For a comprehensive dive into the world of Lakpa Dendi Sherpa and Taktok Brothers Treks And Expedition, connect with our Chairman across various platforms:

By joining Lakpa Dendi Sherpa on these platforms, you get an all-encompassing experience—from the thrilling peaks of the Himalayas to the professional insights of a seasoned adventurer. Adventure awaits—connect and stay tuned!